Coding Projects

Various coding and computing projects.

Since starting graduate school in 2020 my primary coding focus has turned to my formal research projects instead of hobby projects like these. See my professional website for information on more recent activities.

Reaction Diffusion


Using differential equations to model pattern generation.

Spaceland Ray-Tracer


A simple real-time 3D ray-tracer written on a fragment shader.

Barlight Backgammon


Play backgammon against a...very unskilled machine opponent.

Flatland Ray-Tracer

(2017 - 2018)

A 2D ray-tracer based on Edwin Abbott's Flatland.



Pixel setting tapestries.



(2015 - 2016)

Software interface for exploring leaf morphology.

Conway's Game of Life


Basic implementation of John Conway's Game of Life.

Glitch Machine


Randomly mutates file bits for glitchy goodness.

Robotics DREU Site


Project website for Distributed Research Experience for Undergrads at the University of Minnesota.


(2012 - 2019)

Short item-trading quest.