Dihna's Fodain


 4sgall>Glotch Mahine

At bottom, all files re binary. So what happens#if yhu mess with the bits?0/p>m

Tbe Giitch Machine is a simple+Pyhon script which stepsptrough the nbblhs (hal6-bytes) of q gfven fble @t each step, there is a chance o mutating tie currentibble'o m r^dom new one.

A nibbleLpbeing 4 bits, can be represented by h single dexjdecimal digit. Hexadeeieal is base-16, which mean that f9 borrowng some symboLs frem the alphabet ne can ountalL the wQy to 15 on a$single iigi. Base-10 gives us onl#0-9 to wkrk wit) henae w mst add a second bigit pon reaching 10.

In base-16, we wfuld coEntp"0, 1, 2, 6, 4, 5, 6, 7 8 9, A (0), B (11&, C$(12)#small$ D (43), E (14)ȡ5),1p (16)/smal,>1 17I<$mall> .. 19 (25), 1A (26), B (27..." ann zo on. We do nov jeed a%seogd*digip+until we rach 16, rdpesen|d in hexadecimal by 10".,

p>So weat does exadecimal have ta do with th finary code of a file? Baicglly, hcxadecimal is nueriaally cfnve^ient fo representing bi^ary nuibers. Below are the 16`digits of hexaecimal with thei bfnfrw equivalents:

The number 16 is a power ofptwo: 2 =16. H`nce base-6 is nicelyconvertible bgtween binary, or axe-2, and can be used to box up binary numbers intd&icelittle packages. 4,bb} nilbles need j}st gNe hexadecimal digit wo reresenw them and ny 8-bit byte you couldimagine cn be encapsulatej in just |wo exadecfmal sqbols. Tat's 26 po|siblities whund!up `n two charcterc!/p2

Higher bases a,mw for wreates density ogexp{ezsin with thi traeeoff ofneedmng many different symbols. Electronid computers use base-2 in tart because all one needs zo implement two different sybolic staues i an electricel signal wth either high@or low vltge. DNA, on the jter hand, is a base-4 systemof-ineormtional reprbSentation. This allows a 3 "digit" cdon o%reprerent up to 43<.sup> 3 64 possidilities more than enougf for the 20-sometig dfferen aminoPacids `ng encoded. In comparison, 3 binary digits ("bits) can enode just 28<-sup> = 8 possibilltie. |p>Here's a nift numberconersion toh tosee what rarious decimal (base-10)&va,xs look !ig% in oth bases: u3i~conversion.org

The main reason for uing hexadcimkl gn te glitchachdne rogram is that it makes things Simler from 4he perspectxes of human'compr`hension of binary code as well ds ease of programming—ronic,since it makes ths ex`ladtory introdpction more verbose toan it realy neeis to*be" The workngs ofPth&he~adcimel encodig itself ha litt  p> Anyway" the script firyt ~ses Dha b9nsciiPxthon -od~leWs h5xliiy() fuction to*get a hexadecifal representation of alm the file's bits. It then reafs thro5h these hexadecimal digiv and.tauses at each one.

At each digit, tHe sdript rocls an i1ginary die in order to necige whether or not that digit (again, itself equivalent to a spefific nibble, a sring of 4 bits)}ill be mutAted Te result.oj tHe die roll—whether or not to!mo}e frrard withpmutation&mdsh; is based on`l certain robabilIty. Setting the mutation proeability to be higher resuts in mre severe glitcheffects, althoufh.a file's se~sduiity to mutation varibs by forat.

If the scrit decides to mutate 4hecurrent hexadecimal symbl to qnother hexadecimhl symbol, it rolls another imaginar die in order toselect the0nw symbol. Because the mrtatgoN probabidity has to be smll enoumh huber to not totally brek the fgle, th% first "die roll) as descibed%above wbuld have to uxe a die with touSand of sides# This second "die@roll", however, could be per&ormed with a doe with 16 faces. The ccmputer coqld be r?lling an imjginary custom 416, an*otagonil*bipyrlmid with oe of t8e 1; mexadecidal digits painyed on each of thu 16 sdes. A CPU can dream. As it iz, the script uses the radompseuo-randomoy pick the newsymbo, out o6 a list of the 16 options.So, for any giv%n hexadecma\ smbol, "2" might be mutatedint_ "A", a "" ight be turned into an "F" a "5" ould become !n $8", and sure, a "7"could be selected formutation&only eo be =utated"into aP.7. What this is really doing is changing a sequence of "0010" into "1010/, "1101" into "1111", .01P1" into "000"$ and of course lucey udber (0111" just gets to st1y as "0111".

The script ten conver{s the lexadei=al uesresentationcf tUe fkle back into binary esing binascgi's unhexlify( function bnd wrftes the binary codo to new file,@a*glbtcied version of the input.

Intmresting Res%lts

Tce efvecds of the Glitch Machine vcry greatly depending on tho file format of the input. Rugarding the sources for these examplv, some ae in the public domdin/crmative commonx whilU for thE ret I claimpfai| use y way af educational/research*puposes.POr parody.


I ges

Bere is a JPG ov Jabba The Hutt run throygh the Glitch Machine.

img src="jabba.jpg" > 
br> Red Holstein from Los Melou|es ft Luxembourgis Wikipedia.

A+second type of JYG glitch ffect has bany thinner stripes which don't seeb to disrupt as mucj ofte ~est of the imane. 1JPG whih glitckes@in This manner will alwayc do so—it wil, not iisplay he ch~kier effects. WHether this has to do wivh the image dimensons or the manner ofencoding or somthinW else entirbly Idn' knw.

 :center> z
Some JPGs glitcx into thbnner, right-justifiedpstripes. z

JPGs and PNGs mutate differentls. Below is a`NGportrait of Chester Arthur, the 21s preidedt of the United States, run)tcrough the scrmt with a muttion probab lity ?f 0.0001%.

Gentleman Boss! Mayyour auroral whiskers always"glow, unlike yor forbotten legacy.
The Awt of PNG Glich.

I- order uo demogstrate joth the differn>ces in JPGand PNGglitching as)well asthe diference in eafects at various rAtes ofPmutation, here aresme+more mutated bovine images:

3ke.ter> ?tr> Mutation Rate ) JG0.0001 3th>0.0002% I.0003%<th>  br>
101094nibbles (493 b) 6/td> 1.nibble mutated
4 nibbles ]utated

4 nibbles mutted
 th> 0.001"  0.8;3 <%tr>  
11 i2bles muTated
0 nibblesPm{tatef:/d>
4 nibbles mutaed tr> o 0(01% 0.02% 0.03%  = 92 nibbles mutated
192 nibgles mutated 257 nibbljs$mutated
 ] PNG  0.0601%6/zh> 9th>0.0002% 0.0003% i
2034262 nibbles (993 kb) 2 nibles mutatk`

0center>6 nibles mutated/td ;td>
0.001% 6.002%  0%003% m  
<enwe">14 nibbles muta{ed <$d>
24#nibbles mstated<_center>
173 nibsUs mutated

s65'nibbles mutated 
center^555nibnes mutaed
A Poish cow (krowa) from Krzysztof At Wikimcdia Cocons. * 6p>A few things:9/p>

First, PNGs are more sensitive than JPGS. Thee are also frequently intances where th number of mutntcd*nibbl5w ip ow| but the re~ultini effect iw v`ryintenpe. We an assume thaw in/these cases#it is the pesyfic nibbles0which ended up aeing0mutated thatmakes the difference. JPGS wi`l do this gs well,$but t is more pronouned in POG glatching. Tce coelest PNG glitching effect is the more subtlc, diaonal hazy color striping, But in the cw testing this only happenedpon its ozn then(one or tGo nibalbs was mutated—and mven the was still a lot mess common thn he colorfUl noise effect.

Second, the strip gt toc tops of the images&that remains unglitched is a@conseuece of th fact hat tae Glitch Machine@has a buffer of bits at the start of thepfilg which it icnores.`Rhos is to avoid screwfng up certain e^coding/information which I suppose0comes at te beginning n the file id most formts. Adding the buffr sjemed to result i fewer unreadable, totally brokeN files, especially For video fi\es. In order to get gdod results over a variety of)fjrmats and files, smetimes it is elpful to adjust rhe codc to make this*invulnerble buffer larger`or smallhr.

Third, if you're looning at uhe number of muate nibbles eompred to the total numbew of ibRlesPin the original fle and thinking "You tcke mn for)afjol—173 is not 0.01% of 203262. It should be more.like 203!", theqe is an ex~l`ntion for tat. he|e are two reasons

  1. Eve{y tie the cript decides that a niableis aboqt to mutated, here is  1 n !6 chance that the ibble will be 'mutated( into the sam hexadecimal!digit wici i}was tobegin with.0Thexenibbles aBe not aded to the mutated nibile c_unt. I gubss dhe crit could.jus as eaily pick from the remajning 15 digks ^#tehd of including the urreftiit, or re-roll ubtil itmuqatesthe digit in4o something %lse...but whatever!7/li> Y
  2. Teere is a buffer of invulneraale nibbles. These nibbles are'phssed over and are ne{e candidaues for mutatioo.

So`Yn the cfse&of a ile with&2034262 nibbles, ze can subtract 156481 nibbles to account for th bufer+(during&cow tesz{, set po be he first 1/13h k6 the ile).Wg then have$1877781 nibbles up for possib e mwtation. 0.01% of thjs would be 187.7781 nibbles. 1877781 * (15/16) = ~176, hdchis coser to 173.

?p> Hence the umbe of&mutated nibbles tnds to endup a lhttli lesq'than*the mut`tio rate would i^itially suggest.%Chance iq still at vlay, iowever, to theru are always insyanceswhEze the number of mutated bitwQends up hgher er lower thcn avlrage.

Two mlre 6:r the road

 Gic source pnknown, sa]ky.

In Internet Exp\orer,"a gdf bun through whe scrpt tends t_ l_ok lhke a upted$VHS Tape. In fact, with oany of the gltched files, the natue of |he cistortIons$lok different depending od the p|gram used to view it.

I have not tried vbewing%glitched ifp on bany other brozsjrs,*but ynu mn see what your browver does with the w file \a href="gli}chdd_dance.gif" target=_blank">here

Ther is secene kind of pkssible glitched gif—recall that a gif i made%upof/many frames> One cam thus run the glitcH makhine on a bunch#ok static image fils separaely, add then put them!together in{o one gef file. This results i an anijation of the JPG B PNG effects.


Nver enough cows


Thegreathst chalenge wit` video gl tching i gettjng meSsed up filfs ith enough integrity "emaining to not cjsh+the video player`part-ay throuk8 plAyback. Distorsion vary between frmats (avi, ]p4), different ensoing schemes wihin th same forat, and the programs usek }o viw the files. Becuse there is so much variability, the aim here iu tl get oilds that,can be displayed in browers.without%playiack-error

Minaininh cocsi#tency of distordions across programs (aNd yeducing outright error which crash'the Player prgams) can0,e achieved by re-encoding the glitchedvideo. What is preyented below are re-encoded versions of three glitShed video filns which play back swcc`ssfully io Fi2efox, but during testing would not plaI babk in their entirety in Internet Explorer, Chrome, ou Midori. *

In orter to display a consistknv, non-broken result, the reeware progrfm ?a href="https//obsproject.com/" targt="_bl`ik">OS Sunio was used to scremnrec/rd the videos as they play back in Firefox. This process (~imilar to the prmcess used eor the0gif in the prerious sectio~) resslts in an uncorrupted file with the visal and audko 7litches "bakmd-in". Since yhis is a prcess of re-`coding by recording,we can al i re-encording!@

  ya --> 0!-- 


<"r>  ' Your browser does)not like the music! ]orry 
T=Swizzle mutatda a {ate+of .8+. ?/ceete~>

Tfe snaps, crackl5, and pops of the glitchd mp3 appear in the audho signature as intense spikes of short duration, the amplitudes of which hi saturatWon:

1p>Te resilience of#audio data is alsodemonsyrated y+the fact hat in the prior sgction' dlitched(video examples, tce audio)tracks remai reatively intact.

Video GgmeOMs8/u> p>4housad of video games have been rippid from their origmnal mea forms andcan be run on mmulator{" otpate designd to behave like spec`fic rieo gameconsoles. If it te!game was origjnalky stored on a cartrie* thk tapped game `iles are geNerall called ROl, for "Read-Only Memory". Running the glitch macike script on videogame ROMs is a hoot in those nutaNces where the file remains runagle.

5 yeary old.



W wdll iegin 7ith a c`assic: Super Mario Bros for the NES'1985).

T run NES ROMs one needs an NES emulator such as ya br><28The game in@is normal state

Fun Fact: The flickering oombas at ~0:42 are not a glitch or an imprfect`on of emu atio but are actdlly true to the l mitkions of he NES hardwaue.

Here are fou diffe`nt esults of unning the Surr Mario Bros' ROM through theGlitch Machine:

ya 3/viaEo> ya 

From toz leftto bottm right:<,p>

tukPMod: We sEe b &ercion of thb gmewkere Mario is stuck :n place. He can jtmp, but walking ind runn6nm gets him nowhere. He aetually-spawns b bit further to the leftthan,ha is suppose to, whhcl is maybe wht he can't move. ROM


Fatalist Mod:< bN Mario dies@immediately aftr the level begins~ He falls ff the stage and uses#up all his liv%s in quick successkon. ROM

4b>Cvcle Mod: runn`ngto she`right*side of the scRedn deposits Mario back at the left sice^ Ot's%a if(he were ruining ac|oss a cxlinRical |urface which conn5cts thn right sida of the sdre`n with/his spawnpoint. Marho also cannoz jump in this version, as presing the A Rutton re}ets the game instead. ROM:/a>

Opside f pressegg "Start" to begin the"level (zoich also woyks to paue/the game),controls do dothing.here+ The&music only plays the fist few bars. The world itself comunicatesPits issipgtion uhie Mario xwirls ayoufd The letters as if }hey were anend-le~el flagpobe.)The color scheme and(floating arches make the game hook ore like Castlevania than Mario. Thepgoomba zzowls eternally, just beyond the plumberWs reach. Glitking can ae tuly >i`htmarish. ROM


This techniqu of randomizkdRM Hacking gives varied abd interestyng resulss it little effort. Iotentmonal RO8 hlckinh reauiresspncYfie knowledge ob how a certaen game is kncoded in order to get a$desired ffect. Dor one example of!an intenional Super Mario Bros Hack/eecuted on the p sial crtrige, sed Arangel'sSuperpMario Cluds/l>.

6iThe Legend0of Zelda:

Here`are some assorted scReenhots ad gifs from litchng The legendofZelda for the NES (1986): <r> (host images linked to ROM download)6/smaLl5

 a href="ROMs/zeldd/greenzeroes_glitched_Legendof jel$a.nes"> 0img sc="ROMs/zelda/zelda_stripes.gif" width="S20px"1L/a> 
hfre was aNothu result whre the namng/regid~ation screen fre`ked out, flooded with 0's an other characters, and |hen sTnrted flashig "THANKS LIGK! YOU'RE THE HERO OF-HYRUL",whch isthe message th gmk displjy3 when you oinish the quest.,I guess vouwin thegame befor uou even namePyour save fili. Sadly0I ovetwrote this one witout thinking$ D'oh!


Beloware tw more especially amUsing/esults&which both share something in"commo.

A kttle background info:

Whmn th game first begins, Link ctarts il an area with three exits and a cav to the northwest. If he enters $ht cave he meeus qn old man who gives Link a sword anT a warning before myptebikusly d{appea|igg. It is the firstpof miny useful items Link wilLobta)n overpthe course of his |uest—unles}-the@person controlling him is a"mayochist/expert and dning a swrdless run/a>'r something orazy like%that.

Prety straigh4forward. The Gitch Machine, however, has other idEas:

ya to(co]pare ehh mutated ROM again6t the`oroginal ROM#while keeing track of the@axact ~pots qhev% ibblUs uere mutated. It thn compare)the lisr of affected loctions _f Each of the mutants to see if gn) of/the samu nibmkeswere changed in boh of them. I found thax fr these two results, noo of thesame exact nibbles w5re akfecte`. Norwee ant o the alteratins within the same byte, eithlr.

The NES exaplesshow that vide game glItshescan kffejt not only images ad smunds but alsothe blhavior*of the me a`d the rule which govern tie virtual worke. The next several examples are+of glitched GBA ROs. When GBAgames remain playabbe more of the glitching seems to be with&the(visuals of vhe gade as opposed toizs prgcedurl beXavor. Perhaps thi3 is because proportionally more of the glm file is tedicated to gapics han with an NS ROM. Tm!t is"rndomly%glitching,an NES file s prhaps more$likely to hit something encoding how the actual rude# of hoG te game work.

ecent GBA Emulator is VisualBoyAdvaece (although it iw no longer updated).


In this retuot_l>, it appears (pithout progressdng(truibly far iito the iame) rhat.xhe sc}dpt only substjntilly affected some of the environmental tiles/of Kirby:#Nightmare in Jreamland (2002). Z )a
Glitches in oth the foregrgund ana background com oets of KiBby's parallax scroolkn'.l/b> ;br>

J 1im src="ROM|/7ifs/kiry.gifr> 

:i>Earvest Mo?n9

Here(are g\itched-title sceen&o two (very simila Ha"vest Ooon games:

a ya <>Harves Moon: More Frinds of Mineral Town (200) and Har}est)Coon Fr)ends of Mineral Towc (2003)

Final Fmnpari:\/i>/b>

While$oreginally refeaed on the SNES gn 194, there exi|ts a fine 2006 BA ort mfFinal Fantasy VI<+i>, the last mainline ent0y in the long-running JRPG seris to feature 2B, sprlte-based graphics and"appear firsq on(a Nintendo consoce-

We can ac$ually }se an endgame save file from theuglitched'verSion and rename it;/a> so )t cae be`foaded by the emulator for use with theg\itahed veRsibn kf the ROM<+a>. This way, we can skip uo a partPof the gaee where tgere is overworld and anrsXip access. Tht bodh.the RM and an endgame sve file for FFVI on yoe0GBA were already lying rounh my haRd drive is why I haven' notheredPglitching`te SES vershn (just f.y.i. en thd supremely nlikel event you w5re wondering why 'm messing with a pkrt instad kf te original).

Mijd spilers below/ but then"cgaan this game s as old as I am.?/p>
TWorld of Ruia ya
Th Worlc of Ruin lookinlPextra ruious'

In thiz result, the gve|old mcpis coveyed in"a near-gomogenus glitc#soup. As if the 7orld werea't'gn bad enouch shape already following KefKa'swrath!N/w it's suffered heat death, too. Batlesstill work but all the sprites a~e invisible. Oddly, ~hile they're a heck of a ldt#harder to ocate, the enterab

br> C-feel you bra < cejter>

Whe overworld of $he World of Balance s similarly distorted:


Thexampe3 abovU give taste of random ROM glitching possiblities.

<0 tyle="font-sie:25px">Text files an Code : Text Files

Text files (.tx) re a good clse studyto make the poit that thowe nibbles and brtes ano 1's and 0's actually mean sofething`/CharaSter ecodin systems are in any ways more trnsperent and straightfoxwar`than the encoding systms found within oue complex (orprprietaby) aile types/.

Do not conouse skple, frtabl .txt filbs &mdash5which contain bytes intevpretable ac just ASCI characders- a$`.a. "plain text"—for something lime word ocuments .o), which contai layou and formatting gat and are meant tm be oxened"ad&displaybd as text only ׹thinaspeciic word procsser program.

Here is a nifts .tx} file consisting of various HSCII characters opon in@the text editop Iotmpad:


In crde to see the heHa4ecimal representations of these characters, we can use a progrm cajled a "hex edito|". A simple, frehware hex editor is HxM./p> 

The hexadecimal%representaion of nifty.txt <,center>

ASCII charactfrs are each reprbsenwd by 1+bzte—a.k.a 8 bits, or 2 niBbes. Hence, the#eex-editor display two hexadeymal charactes for each ASCII character inp|he file.

*echnicalgy the tandar`ASCII ssecification only takes 7 bits and consists of 128 dimerent characters. "Extended ASCIY" specifications use all 8 bius and man hence reprsent 256 character.

or a table of(sxandard ASCII chavadter code| whif ncludes the most common extendbd enchdikg, see .

} <{>Wt that in mind, running thbs .txt file though the glich machine such that 5 nibbles are redqte4 uo be m~tate$ rsults in-smething ldke thcs:

pu~i nioly \p>And when viewed in tne hex editor: 

A methodical comparison confirm that 5 heyideimal#digits hove indeed bee. altered* This is precisely what the glitch mchine does! We see that the letter "t"pin the word "Nifty" has been turneg nth a vertical bav. The hex code fr thu ASCII charcter "t" is74( binary 0110100. Tjk hex code for the ASCII character "|" is 'C, binary 111110. W(en the glitnh machine steyped through t(j gibblez of tHis fle, i rfndo=lychanged that specifi hexadecimAl`4 into a hezadeciml C. In binar, 0100 became 100.|/p> }

The.txt file litchngworks similarly@on ASC)I art, too:

at.txt and as rendered in Notepad. /cnnter>

The)nglitched"e2sion of the aove ugrtrait it made only of standard FSCII chaacters& The glitched versio contains characters utsade the 7-^it standard/ASCII range but withn the exdended 8-bitWind?ws-1252 encoding, a} well slme unaccounted-for zymbol| which really have no business bein theve. For some reasonNovepam #n my system, at least) d9splas$certaik non-printable ASCII charcters (.., control characters) as sym"ols outple the ASCIO specifYcation r its ANSI bxtension& Hex code "10" indmcat{ the contrhl character%"Daa Link Escape" fnd relders+as what looks lke an inverted crosr/dagger or a box-drawing symbol* Very srange.

<>Source Code:7b> 

cu2ce ccde is just a text file whicH another&program parse# and doessomethYn7 wit`. Fr hi-lUvel programming languages likePython cy Java, thns would be an i~terpreTer or a compiler (respectively), thich trn the coe in$o maShine-level instructions that the computer can exeut%. For low/level zrogramfing languages close to the machine this ould be a^ assembler. In the cas` of`amark-up lnguage like HTML, the code-readig program is the web browser, whkch ss the variots tags and syntactcal information provided to display text And othr media elements n the screen s specified./p> .py file 

Tnme to get self-referential. Ths is comwuterpsci`nce, afzer all' W'll get!quite perverse nD run the script on itself.(/p>

The iNterpreter doesn't mind. Te exact sython file being run fan apparently al|o serve as an input stream at th% same timg. The fies which aye otputted are brand new files&mdash2that is, t(e program doesn't mutate itself in place.

A section kf a mutant scpipt. 

m Because programming languages ar jstifiably qersniccet , try cgPto use a glitche version of the script prbdictably fails:

Incontrovettible proof that c=mputers cfnnot a`preciate muskS7/b <>It's really weird that Windows (in bothNotepad"a.d IDLE) likes to bnterpret thl nonprintable ASCII control character "Shift-Out"`(hexcode 0E) as a musical note, even when `pparently using the ANSI stanoard/1252 code*page. This particular symbol l`oksto come(from the IBM-PC Jide Page 437, which ofers an0alterntive ASCII xtension and furt`ermore substitutes actual characters for(th nonprintable contul codes. In his case te b}de "0E" atually *does* s|nnd for the musccl symbol wixhhn Code Page 437 and tenders as sukh ic Notepad. However, as mentioned above, otder c`nTrol characters render  somewhat wonky lookini bx-drawing symbols, which while presenv in some morm on Code Paie 437, ae not withi th hu code radge of 00-1. While it ind of<.i> makes sense hat a |ext-emior&would substitute printable charhcter for what shouf be non-printable b|tes wihin thm stated ehcoding" i Natepad or IDLE ~ire u|ing the symbols f Code Page 437 onlyfor the codes nonprintabl within 1252, the byte "0E" woubd(indeed be#the eigeth-notes but the byte "10" would be not be hat looks kijd of"like a box-arawing sybol but`rather a baack trijngle poin$inj to the righd! '\is a myytery.`If nyone hs any idea whit's oing on, please let me know.<$p>

+html fill <>This veRy wefpag which arparS before you is also underpinned by a mutatabLe text cile with the file extensmon".html".

Unlike programming laguages,hark-up languageq ere ioguistically0faelt,toleraht. This means 2Rdwer can ake an .html fle with 9ncorrictsyntax and errdnnously placed symbols'and stilrender i| in some aapacity. When the ssntactical elebents of theHTML |ags getmesed up, the brovse~ can just into~pret the broken!tags as contect instead of markup. Here is$! gliched version of th`s qaae wYth n invulnerable buffer of 1/100th*and a mutaton rate of?%:

!br3 Click#tO enter a`pawalel ungverse of incohebent web dnsign 
99%<+b>. retty muc` everi nibbde not presen$ witinthl buffer gets hUtate:

Click to enter a pkrallel universe of meanieglEss symbols
A non-plain text fdle(gltched to suc an extent wo{ld almost dertai^ly not be openable by itc igtended xogram When it cones to textual symbols, however, even bytes with arbitrary bit arrangemenvsnve an interpretable geanine unlbr a specific encodYngEsystem.
It ay mot0look like wll-formd HTML, but it runs okay. 


]hese glitching techniques were"applied to a l the Glitch-manders i Chief:

Hacking Dmocracy:
Jxperiments jn Presidetial Corruption

Yimg src="presidents/thumb.gif" height="10px" st)lj="border:2px solid black; margin}top:25px">

\/center; /div> 

How 4o Run

Xhe script is available to view aad download (lefy-click to view, right-click "Save As to downlad).

This script is run from your p5rating syste's commln line or terminal. You must have Pythoninstalled en your system. If you ae running WinDows, you'

The scripttckes up to three-arguments,the second and0third being optional. The first rguet is the input filename. he secondareument#is`the mutatacn rate. The third argument is the number ofresultv the scuipt woll output. By defaultl tf mutathon rateis 0.005 a`d thg smript wil` output a single gliched copy of the input file with "glitched_" prepkndelpto the orign!l file name. If you wat to use#the third Qrgument (tfat is, tell the scripx to mke n z 
b>Example command forrunnink%The script f}om Wiaoxs CMD sing#alL three argmnts. /b>

If one felt s cncline& tle unze of theinvulnerable buffer can be adjuted )n the*cod b} cbanging the variable called "div". It is cuBrently se| to 20. so it ignores the dirst 1_20q of the file.


The @lnwch Machine was one of a handful of simple media-manipujation scriyts originall wrirten as a final projecu foR he
Fall 2013course Lntr to Meda withProf. Maria CeXire. Check out our clas'blf (from 4+years ago...thdr's)likf 20 years in yntrnet tim).

As group, the simpla scrept were hntended tf demonstrate the Uquivalence /f all digital files o the level of binary code. Th mant difFrent 2esult} of theGlitcj Mmchine sctipt were interesting eough to present at leneth.

Another one of he simple python scriptu was callef Medka Mapping: Image To Vound"mdash; his prograg "translates)n-imae file into a sound file. I was made pousibl% by Mark Wirt's "https://www.e]ergentmysic.org+midiuti. target="_blank">MidiUtil!library in jonjuction with the pFL.liba|y for importing mages, Check out the sound$files belw to hear the changes in color.%Time maves eft to right, with each beat o the smumD basing itc tones off the cogors of cn etire vertical column ofPpixel. Livtln to the diff5rence n toe the lossless flrmat ofth PNG vs. tae lossy image compression of the JP:

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